MITRE's System of Trust (SoT)
System of Trust (SoT) logo of interlocked building blocks

Supply Chain Security



The System of Trust is aimed at bringing an improved consistent, scalable, tailorable approach for discussing, measuring, and managing supply chain security risks for organizations across government and critical infrastructure providers by leveraging the MITRE System of Trust (SoT) and its initial prototype activities and tools. This effort will provide web-based capabilities for industry, government, and academic participants to learn about, gain experience in applying, and help in evolving their ability to identify and manage the security of their supply chains, leading to enhanced trust of the suppliers, supplies/components and services in their respective and collective supply chains.

Continued tuning of the SoT framework through collaboration with stakeholders in different domains, and additional pilots and real-world application, will result in enhancements that will position the SoT framework to become the generally accepted framework for supply chain security, similar to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) used in all U.S. businesses, or the globally equivalent International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

There are a number of actions that agencies, the Federal Acquisition Security Council (FASC), Congress, and industry can take now:

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